- barber shop
- [`bɑːbə`ʃɔp]парикмахерская
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
barber-shop — 1570s, from BARBER (Cf. barber) + SHOP (Cf. shop) (n.). Earlier in same sense was barbery (c.1500). Barber shop in reference to close harmony male vocal quartets, it is attested from 1910; the custom of barber s keeping a musical instrument in… … Etymology dictionary
Barber Shop — (ou The Barbershop) est un court métrage documentaire en noir et blanc américain réalisé en 1894 par William K.L. Dickson. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français
barber shop — barber shops N COUNT A barber shop is a shop where a barber works. (in AM, also use barbershop) … English dictionary
barber-shop — barˈber shop or barˈbershop noun 1. A barber s premises 2. A type of music originating in the USA, played, or esp sung, in close chromatic harmony, usu in quartets (also adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑barber … Useful english dictionary
barber shop — /ˈbabə ʃɒp/ (say bahbuh shop) noun the premises run by a barber for cutting hair, shaving beards, etc …
barber shop — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. tonsorium, tonsorial parlor, styling salon, beauty parlor, beauty salon, beauty shop … English dictionary for students
barber shop — noun A business which offers haircuts as its primary service … Wiktionary
barber-shop — men s hairdresser, place for men to get haircuts and shaves … English contemporary dictionary
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America — Die Barbershop Harmony Society oder Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America („Gesellschaft zur Bewahrung und zur Ermutigung zum Barber Shop Quartettgesang in Amerika”) ist die weltgrößte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Barber's pole — A barber s pole is a type of sign used by barbers, a pole with white and red stripes. They have been known to be of different colors. For example, it was common practice to have black and yellow stripes in the City of Baltimore, Maryland until… … Wikipedia
barber — [[t]bɑ͟ː(r)bə(r)[/t]] barbers 1) N COUNT A barber is a man whose job is cutting men s hair. ...a barber s shop in south London. 2) N SING A barber s is a shop where a barber works. [BRIT] My Mum took me to the barber s. (in AM, use barber shop) … English dictionary